Abuse: Financial
- Take your money or make you ask or beg for money when you need it
- Spend large sums of family money without talking it over with you first or refuse to let you participate in financial decisions
- Refuse to add your name to the lease/mortgage, car title, bank account(s), credit card(s), or other family assets
- Run up bills or make other decisions that negatively impact your credit score
- Refuse to pay bills that are solely in your name
- Interfere/cause problems with your ability to work or go to school
- Make you account for all money you spend
- Withhold money for household expenses (including rent/mortgage payments, food, personal care items, baby/child care items, utilities, clothing, etc.)
- Force you to work or prevent you from working
- Take out and use a credit card in your name without permission (identity theft)
- Take sole control of finances