

Holiday Gift Drive

Each December, the Roundtable sponsors one or two families who have left an abusive situation. Gift cards, clothing, toys & household items from lists that have been provided are then delivered, unwrapped, to a coordinator at the local shelters.

Valentine Bags

Each February, the Roundtable collects items to be distributed to survivors of abuse. Gifts for adults consist primarily of gift cards and personal care items, while those for children include toys, books and crafts. Hand decorated bags are assembled and delivered to local shelters. In past years the Roundtable has provided more than 125 bags!


Shower for Shelters

The Shower for Shelters collection of gift cards and new household items helps families transitioning from a shelter or otherwise moving into a  new apartment or house set up their new home. Donation sites are located at: Sudbury Wine & Spirits, 410 Boston Post Road (Route 20) Sudbury and Spirits of Maynard,  4 Digital Way, Suite 3, Maynard

Libations & Donations

A kickoff event for Showers for Shelters is typically held with a wine & beer tasting and an opportunity to meet domestic violence providers & members of the Roundtable as well as a survivor speaker. This event is complimentary with a donation of a NEW household item.


Sudbury Independence Day Parade

To celebrate the nation's independence, we join the Sudbury 4th of July parade to raise awareness about domestic abuse in our community and reach out to people who might not know about support available locally.


Purple Illuminations

Each October, in partnership with First Parish in Wayland and the Lauren Dunne Astley Memorial Fund, the Roundtable illuminates houses of worship and civic buildings in Sudbury and Wayland for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The lights serve to raise awareness about domestic abuse and support survivors. Private homeowners and small businesses are encouraged to shine a purple light in their own windows. 

Shine a Light Vigil

As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the Roundtable joins our local faith communities in a candlelight vigil commemorating those Massachusetts residents who were killed in a domestic or dating abuse-related homicide in the past year.  Speakers at the vigil also encourage people to support abuse survivors they might know and get involved in other awareness-raising activities throughout the year.