Possible Warning Signs of Abuse
Abuse is a 24/7 experience rather than a series of separate incidents. People who act in abusive ways generally use a variety of different tactics to gain and maintain control in a relationship. While physical and sexual abuse may happen every day or may happen more episodically (or not at all), people who are being harmed by their partner generally experience some combination of emotional, spiritual, financial and/or technology-related mistreatment on a daily or near-daily basis.
It’s also important to note that some people who have a partner who acts in controlling or abusive ways are never hit. It’s very possible to be abused by an intimate partner on an ongoing basis without ever experiencing physical or sexual violence. See the link below for a list of different ways (with examples of each) that a person might behave abusively toward their partner.
It’s important to note that not everyone who is harmed by their partner experiences all of these different kinds of behaviors. If your partner treats you in any of these controlling or abusive ways – or if you recognize ways that someone you are concerned about is being treated – you might want to consider reaching out to a local domestic abuse program for support and help.